Friday, May 18, 2012

Librarian weeding humor (sort of)

Here are a few of my favorite weeds...

One of the vital pieces of library work is weeding, or removing books that are no longer viable for the health and growth of the collection.  These books were all removed from my library, by me, at some point during the last four years.

While these books all served a purpose, their removal was way overdue.  Now they do little else but amuse me and hopefully you.
This 1983 classic includes the suggestion that by 2010 there will be an international university
housed entirely on computers (iTunesU anyone)?
 In 1977 this was a popular disco move, but was also excellent for fending off unwelcome advances.

The year is 1985 and with topics like "On your own" & "Talking about telephones"
the young latch-key kid will now be prepared for anything.


  1. That is TOO funny! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Funny enough-- I weeded the same Latch key kid book a couple of years ago.
    I love the funnies we find while weeding! :) Thanks
